How Does Social Media Influence Your Digital Strategy?

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    Marketer Focus

    How Does Social Media Influence Your Digital Strategy?

    In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, social media can be a game-changer. We've gathered firsthand accounts from CEOs and CMOs, among other experts, detailing how platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook have been instrumental in their strategies. From a story of quadrupling applications through LinkedIn ads to converting a major client with real-time social support, here are the top fifteen transformative social media moments these professionals have shared.

    • Quadrupled Applications via LinkedIn Ads
    • Dual-Platform Strategy Boosts Conversions
    • Instagram Enhances Fashion Brand Engagement
    • Influencer Outreach Drives Traffic
    • Infographic Share Spurs Website Traffic
    • Customer Success Stories Ignite Interaction
    • Local Social Media Drives City-by-City Growth
    • Thought Leadership in B2B SaaS
    • Social Listening Informs Marketing Strategy
    • Authentic Stories Build Legal Firm Community
    • Targeted Social Content Increases Web Traffic
    • Social Media Builds Anticipation for Product Launch
    • Facebook Community Growth Boosts Bakery Sales
    • Educational Content Positions B2B as Thought Leader
    • Real-Time Social Support Converts Major Client

    Quadrupled Applications via LinkedIn Ads

    Over the last two years, we've been working on an Employer Branding campaign for a major professional services organization with social media (organic and paid) as the central comms channel. Over the course of the last year, we have quadrupled the average direct applications per role, with a stronger investment in LinkedIn ads being the major differential in our tactics. Using the brand's own people to tell the story of this organization with authentic, engaging, and sometimes emotional stories has reduced its recruiter fees and built its reputation in a crowded and competitive recruitment market.

    Martin Byrne
    Martin ByrneFounder and Marketing Consultant, Pidgin Marketing

    Dual-Platform Strategy Boosts Conversions

    A specific instance where social media played a big role in our digital marketing strategy was during a campaign for our new academic writing service. We used Instagram and LinkedIn to reach both students and professionals looking for writing help.

    On Instagram, we created engaging posts and stories, including behind-the-scenes content, customer testimonials, and writing tips. We ran targeted ads highlighting our quick turnaround times and expert writers. The visual and interactive nature of Instagram helped us connect effectively with a younger audience. One of our Instagram posts went viral, getting thousands of likes and shares, which led to a significant increase in website traffic and inquiries.

    On LinkedIn, we shared thought-leadership articles, case studies, and client success stories to attract a more professional audience. We engaged with relevant groups and participated in discussions, which significantly boosted our visibility. Our articles were widely read and shared, establishing us as a trusted authority in the academic writing space.

    By using both Instagram and LinkedIn, we amplified our reach and saw a notable increase in leads and conversions. This dual-platform approach directly contributed to our success, showing how effective social media can be in digital marketing.

    Bhavik Sarkhedi
    Bhavik SarkhediCMO, Write Right

    Instagram Enhances Fashion Brand Engagement

    For a fashion retailer, Instagram became our primary tool for storytelling and brand engagement. We developed a series of posts and stories that showcased the brand's journey, the craftsmanship behind the products, and customer testimonials. This approach not only humanized the brand but also created a strong emotional connection with the audience, leading to increased loyalty and repeat customers. The visual nature of Instagram was perfectly suited to the fashion industry, making it an essential tool for conveying the lifestyle and aesthetic appeal of the brand.

    Marc Bishop
    Marc BishopDirector, Wytlabs

    Influencer Outreach Drives Traffic

    As a link-building specialist, you cannot overlook the importance of social media in a link-building strategy. Recently, we carried out an Influencer Outreach tactic for a client called Grant UK, which involved us contacting popular Instagram accounts and asking if they would feature our client on their story. After contacting several accounts, we secured a collaboration between our client and home decor Instagram influencer Melanie Jade (@melaniejadedesign), who has over 300k followers.

    After posting a series of Instagram stories that promoted our client, Grant UK ended up receiving over 500 clicks to their site. By selecting and engaging with the right social media influencers, we were able to drive substantial traffic, enhance brand visibility, and generate valuable backlinks for our client.

    Joe Worgan
    Joe WorganSearch Engine Optimization Executive, Infinity Nation

    Infographic Share Spurs Website Traffic

    Social media really impacted us when a large influencer shared one of our infographics. The engagement exploded, driving tons of website traffic. We capitalized on this by reposting and creating more content on our site to show that we keep our site updated, attracting new clients interested in similar visual content. It showed the power of social media to amplify reach and attract new business.

    Diana Royanto
    Diana RoyantoWriter, Milkwhale

    Customer Success Stories Ignite Interaction

    When we were stepping up our digital marketing efforts last year, social media became our go-to tool. We began posting customer success stories, which are actual accounts from individuals using our product. It was like putting a spotlight on how our products genuinely improved their lives.

    Real stories are popular, you know? We therefore dispersed these testimonials and case studies across our social media accounts. And what do you know? It was like unleashing a torrent of interaction! People connected with those stories and told their friends about them, and all of a sudden our brand was really booming. It was no longer just about making sales; it was also about establishing credibility and providing genuine value.

    Kartik Ahuja
    Kartik AhujaDigital Marketer,

    Local Social Media Drives City-by-City Growth

    Social media is integral to our growth strategy. Our approach to growth is city-by-city, and social media helps us to grow brand awareness as we roll out in new areas.

    Our usual approach here is to focus on high-influence customers who are willing to share reviews, recommendations, and influencer content on our behalf. We especially like to target local groups on platforms like Facebook, since these are powerful avenues of word-of-mouth recommendations.

    Nick Valentino
    Nick ValentinoVP of Market Operations, Bellhop

    Thought Leadership in B2B SaaS

    Social media is an odd duck in the B2B SaaS space, as you're really looking at a relatively low number of potential clients in your niche. That's not to say that it can't play a hefty role in your digital marketing strategy. In my case, I find that social media is a great place to post statistics about the industry that potential clients and the world at large might find interesting, rather than going for something that is purely meant to drive conversions. This helps establish yourself as a thought leader, which is generally what I like to focus on.

    Kate Kandefer
    Kate KandeferCEO, SEOwind

    Social Listening Informs Marketing Strategy

    Time and time again, I have had experiences that constantly remind me of the importance of social listening, especially as a marketer. The simple truth is, it would remain impossible to guarantee the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign when marketers neglect to pay close attention to the audience they intend to market to.

    In my experience, I have learned that social media is one of the most rewarding opportunities marketers and businesses can maximize both when developing products for their audience and creating content to market these products to them.

    One specific instance that easily comes to mind of a time when social media played a pivotal role in my digital marketing strategy was early last year when I was preparing for a product launch. Judging from my experience, I have learned that it is one thing to develop a product that is capable and sufficient enough to meet the needs and expectations of your audience, and an entirely different thing to successfully market this product to them in a way that lets them see the value and satisfaction they would enjoy from using this product. By closely monitoring my audience on social media at this time, I was able to see the need to make a pivot and make some adjustments to my proposed marketing strategy.

    I also gathered useful insights that guided me through this process of ensuring that my marketing content was realistic, relevant, and better suited to my brand's audience.

    Edmafe Eclavea
    Edmafe EclaveaMarketing Manager, Couponsnake

    Authentic Stories Build Legal Firm Community

    Social media can be a game-changer when it genuinely connects with your audience. One time, I worked with a personal injury law firm that wanted to boost its local presence. We decided to spotlight real client stories—of course, with their permission. We shared a series of posts detailing how the firm helped these individuals through their tough times. Each story was told in a deeply personal way, highlighting the human aspect of legal help rather than just the legal jargon.

    These posts went viral locally. People started sharing the stories because they not only saw the firm's expertise but also its compassion. This strategy did more than increase the firm’s social media following; it built a community. Engagement shot up, and more importantly, the firm noticed a considerable uptick in inquiries from people who felt they could trust them based on those real-life stories. This experience underscored how powerful authentic, human-centered content can be in legal marketing.

    Casey Meraz
    Casey MerazCEO, Juris Digital

    Targeted Social Content Increases Web Traffic

    We were working on a web project for a new client in the beauty and makeup industry and wanted to drive more traffic to their website and ultimately increase sales. We decided to focus on creating engaging content related to their products and services and promote it through social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and X. We also targeted specific audiences based on their interests and demographics to ensure our content reached the right people.

    Through social media, we were able to reach a larger audience and generate more leads for the client. We also used social media analytics to track the performance of our campaigns and make adjustments as needed to optimize results.

    Tom Molnar
    Tom MolnarOperations Manager, Fit Design

    Social Media Builds Anticipation for Product Launch

    We invested many resources in developing an innovative product, but we knew that its success depended on reaching and engaging our target audience. Social media provided the perfect platform to generate excitement, build anticipation, and drive demand leading up to the launch.

    Firstly, we used social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for the upcoming product launch with sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, and countdowns. This generated buzz and curiosity among our followers and created anticipation for the big reveal.

    We launched our product with impactful visuals and encouraged the audience to share their excitement and experiences, turning them into brand ambassadors. Throughout the launch period, we closely monitored the social media channels for feedback so we could address any concerns and engage with our audience in real-time.

    Saikat Ghosh
    Saikat GhoshAssociate Director of HR & Business, Technource

    Facebook Community Growth Boosts Bakery Sales

    Back when Facebook was new, this family-owned bakery wanted to attract more customers than its regulars. So, we created a Facebook page for them. We posted pictures of their bread and cakes and shared stories about their baking process and recipes. We also asked customers to share their own stories and photos.

    Surprisingly, lots of people joined in! They shared recipes, pictures, and stories about the bakery. This made the bakery really popular on social media, even getting attention from local news. Suddenly, more people from all over the city wanted to try their bread. This boosted sales and made customers feel like part of a special community. It showed us how powerful social media can be—it's not just about talking, but also about building connections. When businesses use social media correctly, it can make a big difference in attracting more customers and keeping them happy.

    Shane McEvoy
    Shane McEvoyMD, Flycast Media

    Educational Content Positions B2B as Thought Leader

    As a B2B SaaS business in the hybrid workforce management solution space, social media isn't as important to us as it would be for someone in, for example, the FMCG space, but that's not to say that it can't be useful. We tend to use it for establishing ourselves as thought leaders in the field, rather than direct outreach to potential clients, with a big focus on educational content like webinars, white papers, and blog posts pushed through our social media channels. It really is a good part of the digital marketing strategy as it allows us to be present wherever our customers might be looking for answers we can provide.

    Dragos Badea
    Dragos BadeaCEO, Yarooms

    Real-Time Social Support Converts Major Client

    Our commitment to protecting cargo during transportation has seen us take the lead in the industry, but it's our innovative use of social media that truly distinguishes us.

    An excellent example is when we launched a new line of thermal insulation blankets, leveraging the vast set of social media tools. What made such campaigns stand out was real-time customer support. This involved teams of people sitting and watching social media channels 24/7. They monitored mentions and promptly responded to every idea or issue that any customer might have. All such immediacy in real-time interaction upped our engagement rates.

    One instance that stands out was when a major logistics company posted about a problem they encountered with a competitor's product. We quickly responded with a solution and offered them a trial of our new thermal insulation blankets. This prompt action resolved their issue and turned them into a long-term client, demonstrating the power of real-time social media engagement.

    Sandra Malouf
    Sandra MaloufPresident, Eurolog Packing Group