How Have You Used a Content Calendar to Streamline Workflow?

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    Marketer Focus

    How Have You Used a Content Calendar to Streamline Workflow?

    In the fast-paced world of content strategy, crafting an effective content calendar is crucial for streamlining workflow. We've gathered insights from eleven industry professionals, including CEOs and Founders, to share their strategies. From prioritizing platforms for lead generation to batching tasks and utilizing scheduling tools, discover how these experts approach content calendars to enhance their productivity.

    • Prioritize Platforms for Lead Generation
    • Schedule Writing for Efficiency
    • Organize with Tools and Foresight
    • Align Content with User Engagement
    • Strategize and Schedule for Consistency
    • Frame Content Around Company Themes
    • Plan with Audience Understanding
    • Ensure Timely Posts with Advance Planning
    • Choose Frequency Based on Objectives
    • Audit and Align Content with Audience
    • Batch Tasks and Utilize Scheduling Tools

    Prioritize Platforms for Lead Generation

    My approach to crafting a content calendar is always driven by the platforms that yield the highest lead generation and sales opportunities. The effectiveness of a content calendar is significantly undermined if your target audience is not active on the platform.

    For example, we chose to stop creating content on Pinterest because we found it easier to gain traction on platforms like Twitter and Google SEO, where search intent is higher.

    The time spent creating short-form content for TikTok and Instagram may not justify the potential traction gained at the start. Hence, my advice would be to start and excel on one platform before moving on to others.

    Victor Hsi
    Victor HsiFounder, UGC Creator Community

    Schedule Writing for Efficiency

    I handle all of our e-commerce blog post content. I've found that scheduling my writing makes it much more efficient than doing it spontaneously. For example, I write content on weekends when I am not at work and my mind is clear. I edit in the evenings and then publish or pitch on workdays. This has taken a load off, especially at 55 years old, trying to keep a fresh train of thought while being pulled in many directions at work. Through trial and error, I've figured out what works for me, and some of my articles have gone viral. I've realized that I need uninterrupted quiet time to write well.

    Tammy Sons
    Tammy SonsCEO, TN Nursery

    Organize with Tools and Foresight

    Crafting a content calendar is all about organization and foresight. At Spectup, we start by identifying our key objectives and the themes we want to focus on for the upcoming quarter. We then break down these themes into specific topics, aligning them with important dates, industry events, and product launches. This way, our content is not only relevant but also timely.

    We use tools like Trello or Asana to build the calendar, assign tasks to team members, and set deadlines. Each piece of content goes through a structured process: brainstorming, drafting, editing, and finally, scheduling for publication. This ensures that everyone knows their role and deadlines, reducing last-minute rushes and confusion.

    For example, during one of our busiest quarters, we had a major product launch. By having a detailed content calendar, we were able to plan blog posts, social media updates, newsletters, and promotional materials well in advance. This not only streamlined our workflow but also ensured consistent messaging across all channels. As a result, the launch was seamless, with content rolling out smoothly and engaging our audience effectively.

    Niclas Schlopsna
    Niclas SchlopsnaManaging Consultant and CEO, spectup

    Align Content with User Engagement

    Crafting a content calendar starts with aligning with seasonal trends and user behavior. At Online Solitaire, we utilize analytics to predict when users are most engaged and plan our content accordingly. For instance, during holiday seasons, we schedule themed game updates and related content, which ensures consistent engagement. This methodical approach streamlines our workflow by defining clear timelines and responsibilities, reducing last-minute rushes, and enhancing our team’s efficiency and content quality.

    Holger Sindbæk
    Holger SindbækFounder, Online Solitaire

    Strategize and Schedule for Consistency

    As a Content Strategist, crafting a content calendar involves several key steps. First, I start by defining the overarching goals and themes of the content strategy. Then, I conduct research to identify relevant topics, keywords, and trends that align with these goals. Next, I organize these ideas into a calendar format, taking into account factors such as seasonality, audience preferences, and content formats. I also ensure a balance of different types of content, such as blog posts, videos, and social media updates. Finally, I schedule specific dates for content publication, allowing for flexibility to accommodate timely or spontaneous content as needed.

    One example of how this approach has streamlined my workflow is in managing a company blog. By planning content in advance and scheduling it on a calendar, I can maintain a consistent publishing cadence without last-minute scrambling for ideas or rushed content creation.

    Arum Karunianti
    Arum KaruniantiProject specialist, Voissee

    Frame Content Around Company Themes

    When creating a content calendar, I like to always start by looking into the frameworks and goals that the company or team has set up. For example, maybe the company wants to really push three themes for the year: data and insights, innovation, and security. Under each of these themes, I would line up the specific product and service offerings that the company offers. So, for example, under data and insights, a company might have data warehousing, AI tools, and analytics. I would think about how each of these would differ by segment or industry and craft content and events that would target my audiences in these areas.

    Thinking about things through these sorts of frameworks helps to bring clarity to your goals and makes it easy to pick which KPIs you need to track for each as well. Particularly advanced companies will take it a step further and tailor the content via account-based marketing strategies so that you have a customized approach for each one of your key clients.

    One extra tip: If you attach your key themes to the calendar directly, announcing that Q2 is for the innovation theme, for example, it greatly simplifies your stakeholder management. It allows you to compartmentalize the projects and themes you're working with and give people clear timelines on when they will be covered.

    Shannon Listopad
    Shannon ListopadOwner and Founder, November Consulting

    Plan with Audience Understanding

    Crafting a content calendar for our online pet telehealth service begins with deeply understanding our audience and aligning with our marketing goals. For example, in a recent project, we found that planning content themes significantly streamlined our workflow. This allowed us to anticipate our audience's needs, collaborate effectively with experts in the field, and allocate resources efficiently.

    As a result, we delivered timely, relevant content consistently, which enhanced our brand's reputation and fostered deeper engagement with our audience. This approach serves as a blueprint for other content teams, emphasizing the importance of strategic content planning in achieving marketing objectives.

    Matt Gehring
    Matt GehringChief Marketing Officer, Dutch

    Ensure Timely Posts with Advance Planning

    Creating a content calendar begins with identifying key themes and aligning them with business goals and audience interests. By planning content months in advance, we ensure consistency and relevance. For instance, during a home-buying season, a well-structured calendar allowed us to schedule timely posts and promotions, reducing last-minute rushes and ensuring a smooth workflow. This approach enhanced our content's impact and efficiency.

    Mike Wall
    Mike WallCEO, EZ Sell Homebuyers

    Choose Frequency Based on Objectives

    To tackle this work, we first choose a publishing frequency that complements the objectives and target market of our clients. This assists us in organizing and scheduling content ahead of time, guaranteeing consistency and reducing hurried, last-minute decisions. To properly prioritize our jobs and manage our workload, we also set time restrictions for each content item.

    As an example, we might choose to release three blog posts every week, each of which would concentrate on a different subject or idea. After that, we set up specific time slots for each post's research, writing, editing, and publication. We can stay on schedule, prevent delays, and produce high-quality content consistently because of this methodical strategy.

    Kartik Ahuja
    Kartik AhujaDigital Marketer,

    Audit and Align Content with Audience

    Crafting a content calendar is essential for maintaining a consistent and organized workflow. My approach starts with a comprehensive audit of current content and identifying key topics that resonate with our audience. For example, Dental SEO Expert focuses on educational and engaging content that addresses common dental issues and SEO strategies for dental practices. This allows us to align our content with our audience's needs and industry trends.

    When I worked with Doctors Internet Marketing Agency, we developed a content calendar that included blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters. By planning our content three months in advance, we ensured a steady stream of high-quality material. This strategy streamlined our workflow by reducing last-minute content creation stress and allowing us to focus on optimizing each piece for maximum impact. The result was increased engagement and improved lead generation, proving the effectiveness of a well-structured content calendar.

    Ihor Lavrenenko
    Ihor LavrenenkoCEO, Dental SEO Expert

    Batch Tasks and Utilize Scheduling Tools

    I like to batch my content calendaring work into multiple one-hour-long focus sessions. For example, when I'm planning LinkedIn content for a full month, I'll schedule two to three sessions where I focus on planning out the content for one hour. These usually all fall in the same week so I can keep the momentum going once I start.

    I also use a tool called Publer that has a great calendar view for my content. I can easily go through each week, identify the types of posts I want to create (carousel, image, video, etc.), choose the topic I want to write about, and add them as drafts in the calendar. I can then easily see it all in one place and make sure that the content aligns with each other.

    Batching my work sessions and using a scheduling tool like Publer has made my content calendaring way more efficient. I used to do it in a Google Sheet, and I was always on the hamster wheel each week trying to schedule content for the next week. With this system, I spend two to three hours at the start of each month, and I have my content planned out for the entire month.

    Connor Gillivan
    Connor GillivanEntrepreneur, Owner & CMO, TrioSEO