What Role Does Video Content Play in a Marketing Manager's Strategy?

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    Marketer Focus

    What Role Does Video Content Play in a Marketing Manager's Strategy?

    In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, we've gathered insights from CEOs, Founders, and other key players on the powerful role of video content. From leveraging BTS and educational content to educating through cultural explainer videos, explore the diverse strategies in our compilation of ten examples of video's impact.

    • Leveraging BTS and Educational Video Content
    • Showcasing Expertise with Animated Videos
    • Transformative Impact of Behind-the-Scenes Content
    • Engaging Audiences with Client Success Stories
    • Maximizing Conversion with PPC Video Ads
    • Repurposing Podcasts into Short Video Clips
    • Enhancing SEO and Reach with Video Content
    • Utilizing Trending Sounds for Social Exposure
    • Authentic Storytelling in Travel Video Marketing
    • Educating Through Cultural Explainer Videos

    Leveraging BTS and Educational Video Content

    We don't just show and market our finished and finalized client marketing videos. That is the end result—the content of how we got there is just as important.

    Video content has been a cornerstone of our marketing strategy, particularly through three distinct formats: behind-the-scenes (BTS) content, educational series, and engaging man-on-the-street interviews. Each type of content serves to capture attention and build a deeper connection with our audience.

    Our BTS videos offer a candid look at our team’s efforts during expos and film shoots. By showcasing the preparation, hard work, and camaraderie involved, we humanize our brand and build trust with our audience. It shows us working hard, smiling, and making jokes—humanizing our team so much. We want people to watch it and think, "Wow, I feel like I know them!" This helps our sales cycle so much.

    "The Franchise Masters" is our long-form educational series designed to inform the franchising space. We put this on with Netsertive, Madeleine Zook, and director Kelvin Ochoa. This series delves into the intricacies of franchising, providing valuable insights and actionable advice from industry experts. By offering high-quality, informative content, we position ourselves as thought leaders in the industry and attract a dedicated following interested in franchising. We have over a 92% watch time—which is unheard of for long-form content! A study by HubSpot found that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support, particularly educational content.

    At conferences, we conduct funny and spontaneous man-on-the-street interviews. These light-hearted interactions not only entertain but also engage our audience in a fun and memorable way. By capturing genuine reactions and humorous moments, we create shareable content that extends our reach and increases our brand's visibility. We will ask questions and edit them into quick 30-second answers—this increases our thought leadership in the space and the person being interviewed.

    In the fast-paced digital landscape, capturing and retaining attention is crucial. By combining authenticity, education, and entertainment, we effectively engage our audience and strengthen our brand presence. All this leads to attention—and without attention, we don't have a brand.

    Trevor Rappleye
    Trevor RappleyeCEO & Storyteller, FranchiseFilming

    Showcasing Expertise with Animated Videos

    At Breadnbeyond, an explainer video company, video content is central to our marketing strategy. We utilize videos for content marketing and YouTube marketing, ensuring that our expertise in creating animated videos is highlighted.

    After publishing a video, we build comprehensive campaigns around its content, promoting it across various channels to showcase our specialization. This approach not only drives awareness but also establishes our authority in the explainer video niche, attracting potential clients who recognize our proficiency and creativity in video production.

    Andre Oentoro
    Andre OentoroFounder, Breadnbeyond

    Transformative Impact of Behind-the-Scenes Content

    We are a video production company, and therefore we are lucky that our service and products automatically become pieces of marketing content. However, what other businesses can learn from our experience is the transformative impact of behind-the-scenes content. Any business, whatever you do, can create authentic, user-generated video content of what happens behind the scenes. Whether it's showing products in production or how a service is prepared for and rendered, BTS content shows the truth of your business, which can be extremely appealing to potential customers. It highlights the investments you've made, the personalities of your staff, or the dedication to process and quality throughout your work.

    In our strategy, we tease new videos (the product) with behind-the-scenes content that hints at what's coming. BTS video shows the caliber of our production equipment, how we operate as a team, and demystifies the filmmaking process—especially when VFX or CGI is concerned!

    If nothing else, it means that for every completed project, we have numerous pieces of marketing content—not just the single, finished piece. This enables us to regularly post interesting content without the hard sell.

    Ryan Stone
    Ryan StoneFounder & Creative Director, Lambda Films London

    Engaging Audiences with Client Success Stories

    As the owner of a video-editing and marketing agency, video content is at the heart of everything we do. It's one of the main elements we focus on and utilize extensively. We leverage video not just to showcase our own services but also to highlight the stories and successes of our clients.

    It's a powerful tool we use for engaging audiences, conveying complex messages concisely, and building a strong connection with our target market. Whether it's through client testimonials, product demos, or creative campaigns, video content consistently proves its value in driving engagement and achieving our marketing goals effectively.

    Daniel Willmott
    Daniel WillmottFounder, Shortformvideo.co

    Maximizing Conversion with PPC Video Ads

    Video content is a huge part of our marketing strategy, particularly on Meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram. One of the best approaches we've used is PPC video ads. But they have to have a strong hook offer. We start our videos with something that's going to grab attention—an interesting fact, a bold statement, a solved problem. Something that resonates with our intended audience. Then, we show people what we can do for them, highlighting any particular aspects and benefits of our service.

    We try to keep our videos short and snappy, 15-30 seconds max. That way, we can retain viewer interest. And, of course, we have a great call to action at the end of the video that drives viewers to click through to our website or a landing page for a limited-time offer. By doing all of this, we've had higher engagement rates with our videos, and our conversion rates have improved.

    Esther Buttery
    Esther ButteryDirector, CLIQ Marketing Content

    Repurposing Podcasts into Short Video Clips

    Video content is a cornerstone of my marketing strategy and a key element in the guidance I provide to my clients, especially those with small teams or limited content-creation capacity. Video's versatility makes it the most repurposable form of content, offering unmatched value.

    For instance, consider a 30-minute podcast video uploaded to YouTube. This single piece of content can be transformed into several dozen short clips, each uploaded to YouTube and linked back to the original video. This approach amplifies the reach of the content without requiring extensive additional effort. Even better, you don't need advanced editing skills to achieve this. Various services can automate the process of breaking down your original video into shorter segments with just a few clicks. This makes video repurposing a highly viable option for busy agency owners and small businesses with lean budgets and limited time.

    The rise of short-form content has further emphasized the importance of this strategy. By repurposing existing footage into bite-sized chunks, you can significantly extend the life and impact of your content. This method not only maximizes the value of your initial effort but also ensures that your audience remains engaged across different platforms and formats.

    Jonathan Collier
    Jonathan CollierFounder, NexGenRVA Creative Consulting

    Enhancing SEO and Reach with Video Content

    Video content is an extremely valuable tool and can complement any marketing manager’s strategies. As an SEO manager, I recommend my clients incorporate videos into any digital marketing campaign they can, as the benefits are well worth the time and effort they take to create.

    Video is by far the most consumed content these days as it provides a convenient, engaging, and visually appealing way to take in information. As a business, you need your content to be attention-grabbing while also solving the needs of your consumers. Once the video hits the right audience, the story behind the video educates and resonates with the viewer, establishing brand awareness and trust.

    Beyond the emotional and convenience aspects of video marketing, there are many other benefits, including:

    Reach - Video content performs well on social media, leading to higher reach and visibility. Social media algorithms often prioritize video content, making it more likely to appear in users' feeds.

    Versatility - Videos can be used across various marketing channels, including websites, social media, email marketing, and advertising. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for a cohesive marketing strategy.

    SEO Benefits - Video content can improve a website's search engine rankings. Search engines like Google prioritize content that includes videos, and video content can increase the time users spend on a website, which is a positive signal for search rankings. Additionally, Google has started adding more Rich Feature Snippets favoring video content.

    Conversion Rates - Videos can significantly boost conversion rates. Product videos, testimonials, and explainer videos can help potential customers understand a product or service better, thereby increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

    Mobile Optimization - With the rise of mobile device usage, video content is particularly important. Videos are easily consumed on mobile devices, making them an ideal format for reaching on-the-go audiences.

    Overall, incorporating video content into a marketing strategy can enhance your brand presence, engage your audience more effectively, and drive better outcomes for your business.

    Hayley ElabanSEO Manager, MGMT Digital

    Utilizing Trending Sounds for Social Exposure

    Our video content plays a huge role in our social media across many platforms to drive a successful overall marketing strategy. Using video content allows us to harness the trending sounds on specific platforms to gain more exposure. Having a mix of video content and static content on a social feed is important, as it gives the audience a variety of content types to keep them entertained.

    Now more than ever, short-form video content is the most popular, engaged with, and sought-after content type across social media and marketing as a whole. Implementing this is an integral part of any brand's marketing strategy.

    Jack Van Leer
    Jack Van LeerDigital Marketing Consultant, PartyLite

    Authentic Storytelling in Travel Video Marketing

    Building client loyalty in the travel industry hinges on trust and authenticity. The best way to achieve this is through a "show me" approach. At Elite Travel, we document our travel experiences, especially group trips, and have a video producer create compelling stories that capture the magic of our journeys.

    These videos are featured on our website and shared on social media, showcasing what we offer without overselling. This approach allows potential clients to see authentic experiences they can expect, building trust and credibility.

    One impactful video was from a trip to Sardinia, highlighting stunning destinations and the enjoyable experience we provide. This visual storytelling has been vital in attracting new clients and retaining existing ones. The videos bring to life the excitement and unique aspects of our trips, making it easier for potential clients to visualize themselves on these adventures.

    We incorporate these videos into our sales strategy by using them during client consultations and presentations. When a client inquires about a destination or type of trip, we show them a video that relates to their interests. This provides a visual reference and demonstrates our expertise and service quality. Clients are often more persuaded by seeing real experiences rather than just hearing about them.

    We also leverage these videos in our email marketing campaigns. We engage clients more effectively by including a link to a relevant video in newsletters or promotional emails. Videos tend to have higher click-through rates and can lead to increased inquiries and bookings. We also use short clips in social media ads to attract a broader audience and drive traffic to our website.

    We track the performance of these videos to understand what resonates most with our audience. By analyzing metrics like views, shares, and engagement rates, we refine our content and focus on videos that drive the most interest and conversions. This data-driven approach ensures our video marketing efforts are effective and continually improving.

    Using video in our marketing strategy has been a game-changer for Elite Travel. By showcasing authentic travel experiences, we build trust and credibility with clients. Videos are powerful tools in our sales process, from consultations to email marketing and social media campaigns. By focusing on visual storytelling and leveraging technology, we attract new clients and foster loyalty, ensuring success in the competitive travel industry.

    Tammy Levent
    Tammy LeventPresident, Elite Travel Management Group, Inc.

    Educating Through Cultural Explainer Videos

    We use video content on Instagram as part of Jevas Combativas' marketing. We do this to educate people about the cultural and social issues impacting Latinas across the US and the world. This comes in the form of TikTok-style explainer videos and podcast clips. We've created many of these short videos that people can consume. This has helped put our name on the map as the only Spanish-speaking feminist media group in the US and has gotten us featured on mainstream media sites like Remezcla and the Orlando Sentinel.

    Iza Montalvo
    Iza MontalvoFounder & Director, Jevas Combativas